Hands Lifted High
Revealing True surrender in God's Kingdom, one post at a time
What is hands lifted high
The gesture of lifted hands can signify surrender. This blog focuses on the journey of surrender that each Christian is called to. The website covers a variety of issues and concepts, that characterize the Christian walk, from the lens of a Christian. Join me on the journey to surrender with Hands Lifted High.

Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your Name
Psalm 63:4
Proverbs 31 Woman…Eww
Who hasn’t heard about the ‘Proverbs 31 Woman’?
If you are a Christian, you have likely heard applause for the ‘Proverbs...
I don’t know if you’ve been there, but I sure know I have – the moments when you ask God to prove something to you, through some kind of physical sign....
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