My Body, My Choice…Not Really

Have you ever stopped to acknowledge how amazing your body is?! Just think about the things you unconsciously accomplish every single day. I have recently been fascinated about childbirth and it is such an awe-inspiring process. It just catches my breath again and again.

Every process that our body goes through has been so perfectly and intimately designed for our benefit, to suit our livability on earth. It reminds me of how intentional God is with everything He designs. He is so intentional and jealous over our bodies, that He calls it the temple of God. As temple carriers, there are a few things we should be particular about, if we are to carry our bodies in a way that is honorable.

Our bodies act as the vehicle through which we are able to function on earth. An improper use of it yields undesirable results that are not beneficial to us, and dishonoring of God. The Lord is for the body, and the body for the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:13). What do you think of when you hear a Lord? When someone becomes lord over your life, that person has power and authority. God does not only tell us to do the things we do for His glory. Interestingly, it is also for our benefit. Because God is the one who created this body. His ideas and original intent for it are far more superior than how we will ever view it.

God’s Temple

In the Old Testament, God struck two people dead, who weren’t meant to be touching the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant symbolized God’s presence in the midst of His people. We carry the very presence of God when we become believers of Christ, through the Holy Spirit’s indwelling.That is what characterizes our bodies as the temple of God. It is humbling and terrifying to know that God’s Spirit resides in us. That is why what we do with our bodies is of utmost importance to God.

The Body and Sexual Immorality

Sometimes there seems to be an overemphasis on sexual sin. We get it. DoN’t FoRnIcAtE. SavE yoUrSeLf FoR mArRiaGe….psssftt big deal. If every sin is a problem before God’s eyes, why does sexual immorality have such a bad rep as compared to others?

It has to do with the sacredness of the act, as well as the sacredness of the bodies committing the act. The Bible tells us that every other sin that we commit is outside the body. However, sexual immorality is the one sin that is against your own body.

Abstaining from sexual sin is an admonishment that you will hear often. Apart from it being displeasing to God, it affects us adversely. There is an unexplainably powerful and vulnerable bond that occurs between people who commit a sexual act. It’s why leaving a relationship which is not beneficial to your growth can be so hard to leave because you’re in too deep.  It clouds your judgment and taints righteousness. *insert examples of David, Sampson and Solomon*.  Like every other sin that has a cascading effect leading to more sin, sexual immorality is even more powerful because it defiles the very source through which God uses to commune with us. When each of these men engaged in a sexual act, they opened up themselves to dire consequences – for themselves and their community.

Healthy Habits for the Body

It sure isn’t a sin to live life like a couch potato and eat anything and drink anything you want. However, it is a strong indicator of being an irresponsible tenant for a body that has been loaned to you. I am assuming that everyone hopes to live a long life (if that’s not your hope too…heal?). Sometimes it really hits me that our bodies are meant to carry us for the next 70-80 years. It may not seem like a big deal. But considering the fact that you can’t just walk into a dealer shop to get spare body parts, it makes you rethink.

If you’re reading this, you’re most likely in your 20s. Move more. Eat a more balanced diet. Educate yourself on how your body functions. Remember sugar is the only legal cocaine, so control it.  All the actions taken now, or the lack thereof will either yield desirable or undesirable consequences.

Our Natural Bodies Have its Own Splendour

God created our bodies in splendor. As tenants, it is our responsibility to be good stewards. How we use it – or misuse it – matters deeply to God. It has not been given to us simply to amass all the enjoyment and satisfaction in this lifetime. This includes sexual immorality, unhealthy habits, excessive drinking, partying, smoking or any other thing that tampers with our body. When all is said and done, and this earth and heaven pass away, we will receive a new heavenly body. Keep on persevering, for an imperishable body awaits us. In the words of Paul, ‘Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning’.

Pray this with me: Father, help me to always honor the body that you have given me, because it carries its own splendor. Help me to care for and cherish it, with my Hands Lifted High.

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