I Started a Christian Blog in the Midst of Fear

I didn’t think I would be obedient to God’s instruction to start a Christian blog.

When I first heard ‘start your blog’, I scoffed because the first thought I had was, ‘who will read it???’. However, to seem obedient I wrote it down in my journal. My mouth said yes, but my heart was so far away from what my lips uttered. If you’re reading this, I finally heeded His words in early 2023. One of the content creators that inspired to eventually start was Ezinne Zara, with her blog – Bible Diary.

I first heard these words on 25 August 2022, after my prayer and quiet time in the morning. Okay, maybe I lied. The desire to start a blog has been within me for about 3 years, name and everything included! God reminded me that this is what I am meant to do. Well, one of the many things I am meant to do. In hindsight, He didn’t just say, ‘start a blog’. He said, ‘start your blog’, with authority to show that He was not joking this time round. 


Running Away From Starting a Christian Blog

I am still dumbfounded that I listened because my mind has been doing a lot of calculations recently. Not the type that juggles mathematical theorems in the mind and mentally practices math to sharpen simple algebra skills. No. Far from it. Because, as far as I am concerned, I still can’t calculate the change someone is supposed to give me without being cheated ***.

Rather, it’s the type of calculation that argues with the voice of God, because sometimes you believe your voice is more trustworthy than the One present in eternity. Woe is me because writing that boldly is pure madness! As in, I will ignore the One who knows me deeper than I know myself, has thoughts far beyond my mental capacity, and all the while seated in the future which I still don’t have control over despite my incessant worrying!! See how silly and absurd that sounds??

From the moment I was reminded about this blog, doubt and fear crept into my mind. The journey to the launch was mixed with intense moments of excitement and fear, though I was simultaneously hopeful about the prospects of its reach. Eventually, I relied on God’s strength (and still continue to do so) to grant me courage because I know this blog is bigger than myself.

Why Hands Lifted High

This Christian blog is meant to be a testimony to the transformed/transforming life I am living. When I look back to the person I was, it blows my mind because 18-year-old Afua was a completely different person in thoughts, actions, and words. The name of this blog came from one of these actions, or lack thereof.

Before I was intentional about developing and desiring a deeper relationship with God, I could never lift my hands during worship time. It was such an odd thing. I felt pretentious, to say the least, and everyone could see me being, you know, ‘too much’. I would scan the room and see others doing so with ease, but I just had no reason or compulsion to do the same. In my mind, those who did were being extra and were begging  the attention of others to show their holier-than-thou state. Don’t even get me started with those who would kneel or lie on the floor!


Something changed when I was 19 and was about to write my final A-Level exams. To this day, the exact moment that triggered my repentance is unknown. However, I may be able to pinpoint a few triggering factors. One of these was the deep realization that my life was headed towards destruction.

And now…

Lifting my hands high now seems like the only response. It is the least I can do to proclaim the words that are insufficient for my unworthy lips to sing. What a privilege offer my hallelujah and surrender to the God who deserves all my praise, worship, and adoration. It is the least I can do to show gratitude to the One I owe my life.

The Blog’s Direction

That is how the purpose of this Christian blog was born: Hands Lifted High. However, I go into a bit more detail here.

I will be vulnerable to the extent I am led to share, to showcase the good, bad and ugly. It is one of the reasons I was called to start this Christian blog in the first place. It does feel odd to bear my thoughts and soul on a page for all to see. Though I am not doing this because of man, the fear of judgment is still rife. But God called me to this, so I have no other reason but to trust and obey.

God will do marvelous things because I chose to obey and start a Christian blog. As I aim to live a life of surrender, it is my hope that I point every reader to the only God worthy to receive our surrender with Hands Lifted High.

*** Yes, I was cheated one day. I noticed halfway home, but I didn’t have the humility to come and say my math skills didn’t match up to the shop attendant’s own. I wonder if she could see the math was not ‘mathing’ in my head.

4 thoughts on “I Started a Christian Blog in the Midst of Fear”

  1. This is genuinely amazing! It’s such an easy read but the way you write just draws me in and keeps me focused on your next words. Well done honestly!

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