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pain and suffering: peeling wall with a green chair infront of the wall
The Devastating Pain and Suffering of this World
I first saw a nonspeaking autistic child years ago, when my mum and sister went to a friend’s birthday party. While everyone played around the pool, my...
four dark girls smiling, in graduation gowns holding a 'Class of 2022' sign
Not Knowing Immediately is Frightening
Finally finishing a four year degree was so exhilarating!  No more classes and submissions before 11:59 PM! However, I finished school not knowing...
How to Manage Emotions: Lessons on Dictatorship
I have always been fascinated about knowing famous people who share the same birthday with me. I was thrilled –  and worried – to find...
I Started a Christian Blog in the Midst of Fear
I didn’t think I would be obedient to God’s instruction to start a Christian blog. When I first heard ‘start your blog’, I scoffed because the first...
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